DC Multicast continues on as Keith welcomes Shawn Taylor to discuss the 20th anniversary of Keanu Reeves' turn as the Hellblazer in 2005's Constantine.
Shawn and Keith revisit the supernatural thriller and its journey from critical flop to cult (occult?) classic. While Keanu's take on the character veered dramatically from the comic, the film's visual language makes it feel wholly original and refreshing in the context of our current comic movie landscape. In fact, Shawn's own perspective on the movie shifts in real time over the course of the podcast!
Subscribe to DC Multicast to follow along as we rewatch every DC movie!
DC Multicast is a multi-part series covering the entirety of DC Comics’ theatrical movie catalog. For season 2, join host Keith Chow and special guests as they analyze every DC movie from 1992’s Batman Returns through 2009’s Watchmen!
Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and iHeartRadio, and visit https://hardnocmedia.com/dc-cast to learn more about the show!